The History

The idea for Cash'n Dreams came about towards the end of 2012. Apart from the obvious reasons, I couldn't seem to find a solution to my problem. I wanted to do something worthwhile. Something that made an impact on society. I took the plunge into the fascinating world of the music industry. I remember being extremely pumped up about starting my own label/music group that I made some costly miscues along the way. Selecting unmotivated partners, rushing designs just to say I had my own logo, and not fully grasping what I wanted my label to be about were some of the most drastic mistakes that eventually led to a demise. Execution is key in this game and I found myself miserably failing at my dream.

   Fast forward to 2019. Over the next several years, my mind would race about Cash'n Dreams and what it could have been if I had taken the time to execute my game plan. Even though the years have past, I don't necessarily look back on it as wasted time. I've grown from my mistakes to the point where I can make an imprint on society. Waiting around for something to happen always leads to disappointment so I have decided to re-launch Cash'n Dreams. With the years of dealing with life experiences along the way, have defined who I am as a person as I try to incorporate everything I have experienced in life into this business. My message from my life experiences to all supporters is to stay committed & motivated. Never give up on what you want to achieve. It's one simple formula that seems to get lost in the shuffle. Instead of trying to impress or impersonate, just remember to reflect on yourself and remember your roots of which you have sprouted into the person you are today. No matter how big this dream gets, I want to keep this personal message alive with the people who truly understand what Cash'n Dreams is all about.

Always remember. Stay MotivatedStay ComittedStay Humble. 

- Owner & Founder of Cash'n Dreams.